Career Coaching for Women

A career coach who gives you the confidence to feel unstoppable💪

Women’s career coaching, with down-to-earth guidance and expert support. My career coaching is about helping women (like you!) navigate challenges, build confidence, know your values and make informed decisions to create the career you always dreamed of. Let’s work together to turn your ambitions into reality.

Career transition coaching for women

The Glass Female’s women’s coaching 1-2-1 sessions, programmes and workshops can all support you on your journey to a job that brings you joy. 

When we feel fed up at work, it can lead us to strongly believe that a career change is what we need (and it might be!). Sometimes though, it’s not a change of careers that we need, it’s the environment, our own personal experiences, withholding our voice or other hurdles that are holding us back. 

Using expert techniques that have been developed over 20+ years of experience, we’ll figure out what you need. My expert career coaching will help guide your mindset, increase productivity and confidence, and send you on your way to excelling in (and reigniting the love for) the role you want or the role you’re in! It’s all about you.

Women's career confidence coach; online & in-person.

Get access to a career coach for women of all backgrounds, talents, circumstances and ambitions. Learn how to build confidence at work, overcome hurdles that hold women back, and kickstart your journey to feeling confident, powerful, and on a one-way road to success.

Career planning: guidance for long-term job planning and goal-setting tailored to women’s specific challenges and aspirations

Overcoming gender biases: strategies to address and mitigate unconscious biases in the workplace, and help manage any negative experiences along the way

Communication skills: coaching enhances communication techniques, helping any individual express ideas confidently and effectively, leading with influence and gravitas

Mentorship and sponsorship: guiding women in finding and cultivating crucial mentorship and sponsorship relationships

Personal branding: assisting women to develop a strong personal brand that aligns with their career goals

Handling microaggressions: helping women to learn techniques to address and cope with workplace microaggressions

Industry-specific challenges: tailored strategies for women in male-dominated industries or roles

Glass ceiling navigation: helping women develop strategies to overcome systemic barriers and biases in the workplace

Negotiation skills: empowering women to own their voice and negotiate effectively for salaries, promotions, and opportunities

Work-life blend: women often juggle multiple roles; we’ll create a sustainable career-life integration strategy

Leadership style development: helping women lean into their authentic voice, feel comfortable with their own style and lead with emotional intelligence and strength

Networking strategies: network before you need it, learning to build and leverage professional networks more effectively through coaching

Maternity leave transitions: support women in planning for, and returning from, maternity leave successfully.

Confidence building: helping women overcome imposter syndrome and self-doubt; we can boost self-assurance and self-advocacy skills

Moving Women Forward with Confidence Coaching

My women’s career coaching programme is designed to make women visible, empowered, and confident about any side step, promotion, or role. As a woman who has seen how hard it is for us to move up the ranks, I’m incredibly passionate about it. As a society, we’ve come a long way in recent years, but we still have a long way to go. Providing women with 1-2-1 career coaching sessions is really important to encourage more women into the positions they want, build their confidence, and move closer to equality in the workplace.

Confidence Coaching

Confidence coaching is at the centre of everything I do; confidence is the catalyst that leads to a better work life. Research and studies suggest that, on average, women tend to struggle with confidence more than men in the workplace. Issues like imposter syndrome, risk aversion, gender bias, and poor work-life boundaries tend to affect women more severely at work.

When you gain the self-confidence and belief to say ‘Hey, I deserve a better work-life blend and I am worth the investment”, you can really start to see tangible results.

“Warning to anyone who works with Bryony - you will start to believe in yourself, your confidence will grow and you will feel like you can do anything! When you're making excuses you tell yourself about why you can't do it - she will give you mindset techniques and business strategies that actually work! She helps you to come up with a plan and put things into place to make things happen, and when obstacles come up she helps you change how you feel about them and move forward.”
- Annie

Sounds great, right? But how exactly do you get there? 

Confidence Coaching with The Glass Female guides you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, helping you build unshakable self-esteem and shatter the barriers of self-doubt that have been holding you back. Unlock your true potential and step into your power with personalised coaching designed to elevate your confidence and empower your life.

The Happy HR Method

The HHR Method is a women’s career coaching programme that focuses on 3 combined approaches to leave you feeling calm, in control, energised and free of overwhelm – because I work with how you feel as well as what your environment looks like, you’ll also find confidence comes with the process.

Let me meet you where you are and take some of the burden off your shoulders.


Transform your career

Whether you like it or not, if you’re an HRBP, a Head of HR or even a CPO – your needs often come last in the business, not only do you look after a team you also have to influence and guide:

  • The CEO
  • The CFO
  • The Marketing team
  • A team of PAs
  • A large employee base
  • Compliance (yuk!)
  • And the rest…
    And then there’s the strategy of the people… how do you find time? Would you like to feel empowered, awesome, totally strategic, hungry and NOTICED for adding value (instead of challenged!)… Does it feel totally out of reach when you look around you? Would you like to feel calm in the face of adversity, unruffled when things get sticky and busy and totally in charge when challenged?

  • 03

    This is where I come in…

    You want to get promoted but you have no idea how you’re going to take on extra responsibility. You want a pay-rise and know you’re doing more than the job requires, but you also know they won’t give you the budget. You want to feel recognised for the work you’re doing – instead of having to prove yourself in every appraisal. AND… you’re battling with a f*ck ton of other thoughts that stop you from being visible, confident and HEARD as the expert in your field and the GO-TO person in your team.


    You want results, but you have very little time left over or energy in the tank…

    And then there’s the strategy of the people… how do you find time?

    Would you like to feel empowered, awesome, totally strategic, hungry and NOTICED for adding value (instead of challenged!)…

    Does it feel totally out of reach when you look around you?

    Would you like to feel calm in the face of adversity, unruffled when things get sticky and busy and totally in charge when challenged?


    Book The Happy HR Method NOW

    The Happy HR Method helps you become:

  • Time-Rich
  • Calm
  • Confident
  • Free of Overwhelm

    So, are you ready to invest in yourself? It’s time to say yes to you. Your ability to SHOW UP and STAND OUT requires a change. In order for the business to see you differently, you have to DO something different.

  • Why me? Bryony Williams, Career & Confidence Coach

    Bringing my own experience of transformational career coaching for women, my practice holds you in a nurturing space to help you move forward and make lasting life shifts – you will leave me feeling empowered, equipped and unstoppable.

    HR Specialist

    I am dedicated to HR professionals who are seeking a gateway to the life they had previously only dreamt and hoped for. 

    20+ years experience

    Using my 20+ years experience in professional services, I am fully equipped to lean into your challenges and help you overcome them.

    Passionate about your success

    I have infectious energy and will not stop until you have the confidence to get the results you want.

    Businesses of all sizes

    I enjoy working with SMEs, start ups and flexible techs.

    Have you grown from 2 to 250+ people and need some help shaping your future people needs?

    When we feel like we’re not going anywhere, battling for recognition, clashing with employers, dealing with huge amounts of stress, it’s bound to heavily impact our overall happiness in life. That lack of control over your own life can cause a huge amount of anxiety, and that’s what I’m dedicated to helping you change.

    Transform your career

    When you find yourself struggling in your job, whether that’s down to a lack of self-confidence, poor management, or frustrations from slow or non-existent career progression, it can feel really overwhelming to try to figure it all out alone. That’s why I’m here. I’m a women’s career coach who offers 1-2-1 career coaching sessions that can truly help you progress.


    ​It’s my mission to help women unpick exactly what they want, drown out the noise and get totally powered up to achieve their goals.


    A career coach is like a trainer for your professional life, there to guide, support, and motivate you as you figure out the skills you need to move forward in your job or find a career that truly makes you happy. They help you set goals, tackle challenges, and create a plan to get where you want to be in your career, much like a personal trainer does for your fitness journey.

    A career coach will have a number of different techniques to help you discover your true potential, and ultimately what job will make you happy. That could be improving where you are, or potentially helping you on the path to a career change. It’s not about making decisions for you, it’s about supporting you and helping you find a role that aligns with your values.


    A confidence coach helps their clients build self-confidence, overcome self-doubt, and develop a more positive self-image. They work with clients to identify and address the underlying issues that may be affecting their confidence, such as limiting beliefs, past experiences, or negative self-talk. Through personalised coaching sessions, a confidence coach provides tools, strategies, and support to help clients lead a more fulfilling life. A confidence coach provides a safe, supportive space for you to explore your potential, embrace your true self, and step confidently into your future. Any questions? Reach out>

    The likelihood is, if you’ve found this page, you would like a career coach or you are at least curious. The vast majority of clients who come to me for career coaching are unhappy in their role or life.. You may not wish to leave where you are, but you will find that the process helps you define better boundaries, regulate emotions and help you gain more understanding and awareness of yourself.

    A great career coach will guide you to find out what aligns with your values, how your personality type might influence your career, what steps can be taken to progress your career, and what support you need to get through interviews and tough conversations. I will help you smash the glass ceiling! 

    More coaching services

    HR Consulting

    The workplace can be a bit of a jungle sometimes. I’m here to be your friendly HR consultant, guiding you through the ever-changing terrain. No corporate jargon, just real talk and practical solutions to make your HR better. 

    Talent Development

    Raise the bar for your workforce and your industry with an expert talent development strategy, and see improvements in: employee performance, trust, discretionary effort, autonomy, confidence, and happiness!

    Leadership Training

    Leadership training specifically designed, bespoke to your requirements. From networking, personal branding, and emotional agility, to health, wellness, and partnerships, we create positive change within your organisation.

    Coaching Programmes

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